Our next meeting will be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, December 2, 2020, at 7:00 pm.
Our guest speaker for the evening is crocheter Laurie Sims. Laurie works with Nanne Kennedy of Seacolors Yarnery at Meadowcroft Farm in Washington, ME. Laurie teaches crochet finishing to knitters and states, “From the simple brim of a hat to a sweater with a knit bodice with crocheted cuffs, adding crochet to your knit work can add eye-catching details, make it truly one of a kind, and even elevate it to art!” She’ll give us an overview of how crochet finishing is done, including a slide show of the process steps, and show some finished work. Nanne will be on hand for yarn and pattern questions.
Membership is $25 a year. Guests are welcome to attend the program for a $10 charge.
Please click here for more information or to receive the Zoom link.